Ringworm is a very common and well-known fungal infection. Ringworm is also found in different parts of the body such as hands, feet, back, toes, fingers, and palms of the head. It is very contagious and spreads easily from one person to another. Ringworm causes round spots on the skin, and itching. There are several types of treatment for this problem. Physicians often recommend the use of antifungal creams. But it is often not very effective. However, Ringworm can be easily cured by using some home remedies. Let's find out about home remedies for ringworm.
Honey: Honey helps to inhibit the growth of fungi. Because, Honey contains hydrogen peroxide and fungicides. Apply honey on a clean cotton ball and apply it on the affected area so that it completely covers the area. Use it daily until the ringworm is gone.
Aloe vera: Aloe vera is a very effective ingredient in preventing fungal infections. Aloe vera contains resin, which helps reduce itching, pain, and inflammation in grandparents. Resin can reduce the itching, pain, and other symptoms of grandparents quickly. Separate the gel from the aloe vera leaves and apply it directly on the affected area. Apply aloe vera gel several times a day until the ringworm is gone. Will benefit.
Garlic: Garlic contains all the ingredients that are beneficial for health. Garlic is very effective in relieving ringworm. The antifungal ingredient in garlic, azodin, can cure various types of fungal infections.
Take 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic well. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey and 3 tablespoons of olive oil with it. Apply this mixture on the affected area of the skin and leave it for 1 hour. Then rinse with warm water. Use the mixture 2-3 times a day for at least 2 weeks. Will benefit.
Holy basil (tulsi): Holy basil leaves contain anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal ingredients, Which prevent the spread of dandruff infection. It also helps to relieve the symptoms of ringworm. tulsi leaves relieve itching and rash. For this, the juice of basil leaves should be applied on the affected area.
Raw turmeric: Applying raw turmeric juice on the affected area cures ringworm or ringworm problems quickly. The strong antiseptic and antifungal properties of turmeric prevent the spread of ringworm infections.
Nutmeg: Make a paste by mixing nutmeg powder with water. Apply this paste in the place of Ringworm. It will heal quickly. The antiseptic ingredient in nutmeg is very effective in curing Ringworm.
Papaya: If you can use papaya regularly to reduce ringworm outbreaks, then there are great benefits. In fact, the antifungal properties present in this fruit play a special role. In this case, take a small piece of papaya and apply it on the ringworm. Then wait 15 minutes and wash the place with hot water.
Neem leaves: The antiseptic and antimicrobial properties of this natural ingredient play a special role in reducing the incidence of Ringworm. In this case, a small amount of neem oil should be applied repeatedly on the ringworm. Then you will see, the problem will not take time to decrease. Mixing aloe vera gel with neem oil is also very beneficial.
Coconut oil: This natural oil is very useful in reducing the incidence of ringworm. The oil contains some ingredients that play a special role in curing skin diseases. In this case, before going to bed at night, apply a little coconut oil on the place where the ringworm has occurred. Get up in the morning and wash the place. If you do this for a few days, you will see that you have started getting results.
Vinegar and salt: Mix a little vinegar with the amount of salt and make a paste. Then apply the paste on the ringworm and leave it for at least five minutes. If you do this every day, you will see that the disease will be cured in seven days.
Mustard seeds: Mustard seeds are very useful to reduce the incidence of such diseases. Soak the mustard seeds in water for at least 30 minutes. When the time comes, separate the mustard seeds from the water and blend them. Then apply the paste on the wound. It will be better if you do this for a few days.
★Where light does not get air, fungi grow.
★Ringworm occurs when you use dirty clothes and wear the clothes of an infected person.
• Never apply ordinary soap or shampoo to the wound. Always use anti-fungal soap and shampoo.
* Wear comfortable clothes. That will reduce the disease.
*If you work in water for a long time and use contaminated water, can cause fungal infections.
* If the Ringworm is less, it can be done only by applying medicine. And if you have Ringworm for a long time, then both taking medicine and using medicine To continue.
• Nails should not be applied to the wound site. Because Fungus can be spread from the nails and spread to other places by the nails.